23andMe Provides Great Genetics Health & Ancestry Info! #23andMeGenetics


Hey All!

Have you ever been curious about getting yourself or your family genetic testing to see what kind of health risks and conditions may run in your family. I have always been curious to do this as I only know one thing runs in my family, Cancer! Lymphoma Cancer to be exact. I would love to know what else is lurking in our genes. Who knows what we can find out! I’ve also always wanted to find out what my Ancestry really is. Yes I’m Puerto Rican and Cuban, but I look very Caucasian and everyone knows various Europeans conquered Puerto Rico and Cuba. I would love to discover what are my ancestral origins.

I’ve discovered a great service called 23andMe it does all this and more!

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To use this service you simply order your Personal Genome Service® from their online store. Once you receive your kit, you register your kit information online. You then take the vile it comes with and place a few milliliters of saliva inside. You then send it out to their lab. You can then expect to see the results within 6-8 weeks.


When you get your results back it will tell you about your Ancestry. It will show you your DNA and help you understand your ancestral history using:

  • Relative Finder
  • Global Origins
  • Ancestral Lineages

The report with also help you understand how your genes impact your health by sharing your DNA’s:

  • Carrier Status
  • Disease Risk
  • Drug Response

23andMe is a great DNA analysis service which provides amazing information and tools for individuals to learn about and explore their DNA.  All of their laboratory testing is CLIA-certified laboratory.

I highly recommend you check out their Website if you’re interested in learning more about their great DNA analysis service!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
