Hey All!
It seems that New Year’s resolutions are all about the things we’re giving up, we’re going to stop doing, and all about saying no. This year I’ve decided I’m going to switch things up and focus on the things I’m resolving to say YES to in the new year.
Here are just ten of the things I’m resolving to say yes to:
1. Yes to finally getting back in shape.
I’ve been battling losing this 40 pounds I gained for the past 2 years. I’m now determined to finally lose that 40 pounds so I can be as happy and healthy as possible in the new year. I know it’s cliché to say this as everyone does, but I’m actually going to do it and I’m going to start by taking some Zumba classes! I want to be completely healthy so we can start to try for a new baby! Another thing I’m saying yes to in 2015!
2. Yes to trying something new every week in 2015!
My family and I are going to experience something new each week in order to grow and learn.
3. Yes to a rebrand and new and improved blog!
I’m letting going of the past and moving on to the future. I’ve been wanting to do this for some time and I can’t wait to share it with the world!
4. Yes to NO STRESS and not letting people (HATERS) get me down.
5. Yes to surrounding myself with lots of beautiful colorful plants
6. Yes to letting my creativity run free!
7. Yes to just being myself and not what anyone wants me to be.
8. Yes to always being positive even during negative situations.
9. Yes to conquering fears and over coming obstacles.
I’ll be running two 10k marathons and I’m pretty scared to do them since I haven’t trained much over the year, but I’m not going to let my fears get the best of me and I’m still going to run!
And last but not least…
10. I’m saying yes to saying yes more often than I say no in 2015.
I’ve vowed to keep saying “Yes I can” and pushing myself forward instead of saying “No I can’t” and keeping myself back.
Those are the things I’m saying Yes to in 2015! Fiber One is all about saying YES! Yes to doing new things, yes to healthy choices, yes to making yourself a priority.
What are you saying yes to in 2015?
Stay tuned for my adventures in taking Zumba and Saying yes to trying something new in 2015!
Disclosure: This post is part of a collaboration between Fiber One and SheKnows.
I love your “Yeses”! I need to say “yes” more, but at the same time as a mom who volunteers a lot, I need to say “no” a little more, too. 🙂
Good for you! I would like to say “yes” to staying positive too. That and not comparing myself others (negatively).
That’s a great list! I was proud of myself for not letting fear stand in my way in 2014, but I want to keep expanding. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t realize you can’t!
What a spectacular list of Yeses! I will be saying yes to my birthday celebrations this year, since I was so against getting older in the past.