Hey All!
There is an amazing deal at a new adorable company called Paper Coterie! They are offering a coupon code valid for $40 worth of Paper Coterie products for FREE!!!!! It’s in celebration of their Begin Anywhere Month! All you will have to pay is shipping, which comes from anywhere from to $9.08-$15.16. Once you’ve added at least $40 worth of product/products to your cart, head to checkout and use promo code BEGINANYWHERE and $40 will automatically be deducted from your total!
Hurry this offer is only VALID UNTIL THE 31ST!
This deal is real as I placed an order myself right now.
They have Photo Books that start in price at just $20, Photo Journals for $15, Swatchbooks for $15, Calendars that start in price at $17 and much, much more! So check it out ASAP!!!!!
Awesome Blog, I'm following ya 😉
Thanks Brigitte!