A Magical Experience At The Walt Disney Family Museum! #MonstersUEvent

I was not compensated or paid in any way for this post. I was invited during a press trip for Disney to visit this museum. All opinions are my own.


Hey All,

On my recent trip to Pixar and Monster’s University, I recently had the opportunity to walk through the history of one of my idols- Walt Disney. I visited The Walt Disney Family Museum located in the Presidio of San Francisco. It was a great look and opportunity to learn about the inspiring story of the creator of Mickey Mouse, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Disneyland and much more! He was a visionary that’s legacy changed the world.


As you can see I was happy to walk in Walt’s footsteps for the day.


The museum takes you on a journey through his life from birth to his death.


Along the tour we learned so much about his personal history and how the Disney characters we know and love today came to be. He was in the military when he was a young man.


We learned how much of a risk-taker Walt was and how this trait gave him a success that was unprecedented. To this day Walt Disney still holds the record for most Academy Awards ever won by an individual.

We also got to see a look inside how he lived and see some of these awards. Below is a picture of what his apartment looked like that he kept at Disneyland.


The Museum also gives you the unique experience of being able to hear Disney’s own voice and view contemporary exhibits that feature state-of-the-art technologies, listening stations, and more than 200 video screens. One of those exhibits can be seen below.


You get to also see hundreds of pieces of Disney History like cell and animation drawings and models for all the rides Disney himself helped come up with for Walt Disney world and Disneyland.


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You also get to see all how simple of a man Walt really was. He loved to collect miniature furniture and eat chilli and jello.


It was so amazing to learn all this history of a man I have idolized since I was a child. The main thing I enjoyed learning about Walt was how much he loved his family and wife. You can see this love in the picture below. I thought it was the sweetest picture and it was truly touching to see.


Walt was loved by many and still continues to be an inspiration to many. This wall showcases how the world mourned when he passed.


This is truly a place all Disney fans must visit! If you’d like to visit yourself…

It’s located at:

The Walt Disney Family Museum
104 Montgomery Street
The Presidio, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94129


Wednesday-Monday: 10am-6pm
Last ticket sale and entry is 4:45pm
Closed every Tuesday

For more info on this amazing museum visit www.waltdisney.org

