Hey All!
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always loved rolling pennies and finding pennies on the ground. I think it comes from being a kid and watching the movie Grease. There is a line that Frenchie says “See a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck”. I used to get so excited when I would find one because I thought I would get lucky and I usually did. I would get myself some gumballs, because back in the day you could by candy for one cent! God…I feel old. That belief that pennies were lucky has always stood with me for some reason and I’m happy it did.
The folks at JCPenney are giving the penny the come back it deserves by launching these promotional offers called “Penney Days.” Penney Days will include BOGOs or “buy one, get one” specials available in store and on jcp.com. The first week-long Penney Day BOGO event will start Feb. 28 to March 5, allowing customers to purchase any item from the Company’s The Original Arizona Jean Co.® and purchase another Arizona item for just one penny (excluding footwear). Throughout the year, additional Penney Day promotions will include one-day-only specials that feature a unique in-store item for just a penny with no additional purchase required so keep an eye out for more information!
To further bring to life the American mindset of the penny, JCPenney conducted a penny focused survey. The results found that the penny may be tiny, but mighty! 95 million Americans (2 in 5) say they usually wouldn’t even pick up a penny if they saw it on the sidewalk. But that doesn’t mean Americans think the penny is worthless. In fact, quite the opposite. Nearly nine in ten Americans still keep pennies around either in their home, a piggy bank or their purse (89%) and say that pennies can come in handy (88%). Almost three-quarters of Americans (73%) say the penny is an important part of our currency and should not be eliminated.
I’m glad to know Americans share my same belief about pennies and like to keep them around! I heart pennies in case you couldn’t tell.
I especially love pennies when they get me yummy colorful gumballs, thanks to this amazing gumball machine the lovely folks at JCPenney were kind enough to send me. They know the way to my heart folks! It was meant to teach me the value of a penny, but little did they know I already loved pennies!
I’ve been saving my pennies even more to get these gumballs out of the machine and to take advantage of those amazing sales at JCPenney. Fabulous clothes for a penny? SOLD!
I also went to their “Get Your Penney’s Worth” event recently and had a blast!
There was a fun van with items sold at JCPenney decorated in pennies.
There were also fabulous helpers who showed you how to use the Penney drop which allowed you to win some amazing prizes.
You know my JCPenney and penny loving self had to play!
I scored me some fabulous new sunnies (aka sun glasses) and I couldn’t be happier!
It was definitely #SoWorthIt to check out this fun event.
The penny is definitely worth something again thanks to JCPenney!
Check out the awesome Penney Days at JCPenney in store and on jcpenney.com. Remember you have to be quick as they are only available while supplies last!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of JCPenney. The opinions and text are all mine.