ABC’s Once Upon A Time Comes Back This Sunday 9/30! #OnceUponATime #TV #Disney

Hey All!

So it’s no secret that my favorite show on tv right now is ABC’s Once Upon A Time! I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to learn anything about the new season at Comic Con! I was counting the days until the new season! I even got the BluRay of season one and watched the whole first season this week just to get ready for the new season 2 premiere happening this Sunday 9/30 on ABC at 8/7c!

I also got to see a media screener of this season two opener and I tell you MAGIC IS BACK people and it’s amazing what characters from Disney show up in this episode!

YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT! This season is going to be just as amazing as the 1st!

Check out this special YouTube channel called Magic is Coming to get a taste of what’s in store. You’ll see a magical video filled with all the characters as the spell is being broken. It will look like this so don’t worry. It’s just magic taking over YouTube!

I love seeing the evil queen out for revenge!

I say it again, I love this show and can’t wait to see this season! Ok I will give you one small spoiler for this coming season…One Word “HOOK”!

For more info Visit The Official Site or follow Once on Twitter at @OnceABC with hastag #OnceUponATime!

