Daddy Tips For Parenting From Our Resident Dad! #HuggiesLatino

Hey All!

I think it’s unfair for Moms to take all the credit for parenting. Dads do a lot of the work and it isn’t fair that Dads usually don’t get as much credit! Well today is the day, well for me it is, that I encourage you to take some great tips from the special Dad in our house on parenting. Hope they help you new Dads out there since it’s not every day that a fellow manly man opens up about his tips for parenting.

Here Are His Tips:

  • Use Huggies! Their the only brand I trust when changing a diaper. I’ve had way too many other brands break on me mid change and it was not fun. No one wants a dirty diaper to break in their hand. It’s not fun huggies offers a great selection of diapers and wipes.
  • Have Patience. You need a lot of patience to be a Dad. You need to be kind, understanding and most importantly you need to enjoy spending time with your kids as you only have them for a short amount of time as kids.
  • Clean it up fast. If your kids spill or dirty something clean it up fast.
  •  And always be on the look out for spills and messes as they can hide them!
  •  My dad always told me to be responsible when I was a kid and I always think to always be a responsible parent. Put your kids first, don’t slack off as a parent. Make sure you’re always 100 percent there for your kids.
  • Kids are a lot of work. Make sure you’re prepared to be a Dad. Being a Dad is one of the hardest jobs you’ll ever have, so make sure you’re going to work your hardest to be the best Dad their is for your kids.

For more great tips or info on Huggies check out Huggies Latino on Facebook.


Also, Would you like to attend a Live Bilingual Facebook chat with Poncho de Anda aka the nice gentleman in the video above? I know I do and I highly recommend Dads to attend! He’s an amazing Dad and he’s going to be sharing his thoughts on parenting and how much he enjoys the role of fatherhood!

Poncho de Anda will also be sharing his thoughts on raising his 2 children in a bilingual home! You don’t want to miss it!

Join him on his Facebook chat on Thursday, September 20th, from 12:00 – 1:00pm EST. You’ll have an Opportunity to ask Poncho de Anda how he tackles the challenges of parenting! And Huggies would love to hear from you! Please note the chat is in Spanish. Look for the picture of Poncho on the FB page to participate in the chat.


Disclosure: This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies.  However, all opinions expressed are my own.
