Hey All!
We’re wrapping up our Throwback Easter Egg series of posts with these super cute and adorable DIY Gizmo Easter Eggs! How amazing are these folks? My inner geek goes wild every time I see them! I’m obsessed with them and I just had to save the best for last. I loved Gizmo with a passion when I was a kid and I so wanted my own mogwai as a pet. Who didn’t want a Gizmo in his pink Barbie dream car? I know I did. I knew as soon as I saw these brown eggs, I had to turn them into some Gizzies.
Here is how to make them!
- Download Our Free Printable Gizmo Faces.
- Beige felt.
- Yellow Sticker felt.
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks.
- Scissors.
- Brown Boiled Eggs.
- Non-Toxic White Paint.
- Printable Sticker Vinyl.
First you’ll download and print our Free Printable Gizmo Faces onto your printable sticker vinyl. You’ll then cut them out with your scissors or a craft cutting machine. Once you have all your pieces cut out, you’ll paint white spots on to your eggs to make his patches of white fur.
You’ll let the paint dry and once it’s dry you’ll then stick on your vinyl sticker face pieces.
After your egg faces are all done, you star cutting triangular shapes with rounded bottoms from your beige felt. You’ll fold them in and bunch them together so they form a little ear.
I put some hot glue in the center to hold the shape together. I also put a little piece of yellow sticker felt to hold the shape together. Once the glue hardens and the shape holds, cut off any excess of the beige felt.
You then glue your ears on with your hold glue and you’re done! These are not edible after this is done. Well. Technically the inside is since this is all taking place on the shell of the hard boiled egg, but we don’t recommend eating them.
Place them with the rest of your throwback Easter Eggs and you’re done!
How cute are all these eggs?!!!
Love them!
I hope you’ve enjoyed all our fun throwback Easter Eggs this year!
And I hope you love these Gizmo Easter Eggs as much as I do!
You can find more fun Easter DIY’s and Recipes HERE!
Have a Happy Easter folks!