Hey All!
As I said in my post earlier today, I’m still obsessed with Pokemon Go! I honestly have loved Pokemon since I was a kid and there is no other Pokemon that I loved more than Jigglypuff. He’s pink, round, and just the cutest thing ever! You can’t look at Jigglypuff and not get instantly happy. He’s the best! I knew as soon as I got this patch that you see below of Jigglypuff, that I wanted to make him into a pumpkin for Halloween. I thought he would make the perfect pumpkin and he does! These DIY Pokemon Inspired Halloween Pumpkins are going to rock your holiday world.
And if you want to snag this patch, you can get one HERE on etsy!
To make these super cute geektastic pumpkins you’ll need:
- Small White Pumpkins (6 inch wide)
- Light Pink Spray Paint (Mine is called Ballet Slipper)
- White Spray Paint
- Red and Black Acrylic Paint
- Painters tape ( 1 inch wide)
- Paint Brushes
- Pencil with Eraser
- Printable Stick On Vinyl
- DOWNLOAD these Pokemon inspired Printables For Jigglypuff HERE and this Printable for the Pokeball HERE.
For the Jigglypuff pumpkin, you first spray paint your pumpking the light pink color. Make sure to do this outside or in a well ventilated area.
After your pumpking is sprayed entirely light pink, let it dry completely for a few hours. Once it’s completely dry, print the Jigglypuff pieces printable (Found HERE) onto your printable vinyl paper. Cut out the pieces with a scissors and stick your Jigglypuff pieces onto your light pink pumpkin. That’s it! You caught yourself a Jigglypuff Pokemon Pumpkin! So simple and cute right?!
To make the Pokeball is a little more difficult. You first spray paint your pumpkin white. Let it dry completely.
You then wrap some painters tape around the middle to make the black ring around the Pokeball. You then paint the top of the pumpkin red with your red acrylic paint.
You let the red dry completely. Use your pencil to draw a line along the bottom of the painters tape. This will give you a guide to know how wide to paint your black ring.
Paint the black ring around the pumpkin carefully and let it dry. Once it’s dry, print out the Pokeball button printable found HERE onto your printable vinyl. Cut out the button and stick it onto the center of your pumpkin. It should be on the center of the black ring.
And there you have yourself a little Pokeball pumpkin to help you catch all those Jigglypuff pumpkins.
How cute are these pumpkins folks?! Love them!
They are the perfect pumpkins for geeks like myself, Pokemon fans, or just anyone who’s looking for some cute and unique no-carve pumpkins for Halloween.
I can’t get enough of that Jigglypuff!
I hope you enjoy these little pumpkins for Halloween as much as I will!
You can find more fun Halloween DIY’s HERE!
If you decide to make this pumplom, be sure to share a picture on any of your social channels and tag it #BandBHalloweenParDIY so I can see! I love seeing all my fabulous readers making our tutorials!
Such a clever and cute DIY, I love it!
Thanks so much!