Hey All!
I’m kicking off our DIY Halloween series off late this year, I know! We had a ton of set backs on the blog the past few weeks. We had server issues and tons of other work to catch up on because of it. It had to get done before my Halloween posts were done because we have to keep paying the bills people. It’s sad but true. All of this essentially had our photos sitting on our computer for weeks on end. I’m thrilled to finally share with you our first of a series of matching costumes for Ladies and their Fur Babies. Check out this adorable DIY Rainbow Cotton Candy Costume! It was a bit of work to pull off, but I think it’s adorable how it came out. You’ll totally think the work is worth it in the end. I do!
I was inspired to make it after I got this rainbow cotton candy toy for my niece in the mail. When I was a kid, I used to get those packages of cotton candy at our local bottega back in NYC and they were always rainbow. I honestly don’t recall eating just straight pink cotton candy much in my life. I digress…
It was a no brainer that this needed to be rainbow cotton candy! We immediately started brainstorming how to make a costume and this is how we made it! I knew I wanted to make matching costumes for me and Mr. Pink our dog. I’m sure there are plenty of ladies out there who just want to dress their fur babies up like them for Halloween as well.
- Pink, Blue, Purple, and Yellow Spray Paint.
- Glue Gun and lots of Glue Sticks.
- Scissors.
- Pink or White Headband (You can spray paint the white headband pink).
- Sticker Velcro.
- Small Pink Plate and Small Canape Plate.
- Yellow Ribbow.
- Cotton Candy Sticks ( Or you can roll up some up yourself with white cardstock).
- Fabric Marker.
- A whole lot of Cotton Filling for Pillows.
- 1 Yard of Pink Stretchy Fabric.
- Pink Dress.
- Old Dog Costume.
First you start with your costume by stick lots of the cotton filling on to your pink dress. Make sure this is a dress you don’t want to use again ladies! After this, that dress is a goner! Make sure that all the cotton is glued on well or it will fall off. Try not to make the cotton too thick so it stays on the dress. You have to glue cotton to both the front and back of the dress, as well as the sides.
Once you have all your dress covered in cotton, you can then begin to spray paint it with your pink, yellow, blue, and purple spray paint. You spray paint one side at a time and let it dry. While your costume is drying, you can move on to making your fur babies costume.
First you use an old dog costume and a fabric marker to trace out the form for your dog costume.
You then cut out the shape and place sticker velcro onto each flap. One velcro on the outside flaps and one on the inner flaps.
You then cover your dog costume with the same cotton filling by gluing it on with your glue gun. You then spray paint it the 3 colors you like best from your cotton candy costume. I only used 3 colors on the dog costume because it is smaller.
You then make your head pieces for the costume. You simply stack and glue some cotton on the plates. You place the cotton candy stick in the center and glue the cotton candy around it. For the ladies head piece, you glue the cotton candy on the plate to your pink head band. For the dogs you glue some ribbon on to the bottom of the canepe plate you glued your doggy cotton candy on to.
Once you have all your cotton candy glued together on the headpieces, you can spray paint them.
Let everything dry over night to be safe and the next day you’ll have some amazing matching Rainbow Cotton Candy costumes for you and your fur baby! You can get a cotton candy colored wig like I did. It’s just for added affect. You don’t have to, but I just like wearing wigs on Halloween!
I love how colorful these came out. My husband said I look like the queen of candy land!
I can’t handle hot cute Mr. Pink looks with his cotton candy costume!
I am seriously obsessed with his tiny rainbow cotton candy hat! It’s a real obsession folks.
I took like a million pictures of this cuteness.
This costume just makes me want to throw my hands in the air and wave em like I just don’t care.
Raise the roof if you love rainbow cotton candy as much as I do!
I call this pose below, talk to the hand, cause the cotton candy just don’t understand.
This costume is god enough to eat!
But remember don’t eat it folks, no matter how yummy it looks! It’s not real cotton candy!
I could wear this head piece all day long!
Ladies and heck even gents if you’re so inclined to dress up like Rainbow Cotton Candy, I hope you enjoy this fun Halloween Costume DIY for you and your fur babies! I have three more of these fun Ladies and their fur babies costumes planned, so stay tuned if cotton candy is not your thing!
If you decide to make these fun costumes, be sure to share some pics with me by tagging me @BriteandBubbly on Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat with hashtag #BandBHalloweenParDIY, so I can see all the fabulous Brite & Bubbly Costumes out there!
For more DIY Halloween Fun ideas and recipes CLICK HERE!
Marry me! I love it, and Mr. Pink is the best!