Don’t Forget! Today is Lose A Palooza!

Lose-A-Palooza is a one-day social media event created to encourage people to participate in the Lose For Good campaign to benefit Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger.  
There is a difference between Lose For Good and Lose-A-Palooza. Lose For Good is a 7-week campaign, Lose-A-Palooza, on the other hand, is a ONE-day event as part of the Lose For Good campaign. The event runs one day only – September 14th – and its objective is to drive as much social media awareness as possible for Lose For Good. Every time Lose For Good is mentioned using an approved method on 9/14, Weight Watchers will track the mention and donate a dollar – up to $60,000.

As part of the Lose For Good campaign, Weight Watchers will donate $1, up to a maximum of $60,000, to Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger for each approved mention, acknowledgment, or action related to “Lose For Good” made on September 14th, 2010 through blogs, Twitter, Facebook and check-in via foursquare for Lose-A-Palooza.


Also if you join Weight Watchers right now and lose weight they will donate money and you can help fight hunger now! They are giving away 1 free first month to new subscribers! Get involved by visiting JOIN NOW TO HELP! And you can lose weight and look fabulous at the same time!



So for Lose-A-Palooza comment on any blog post about Lose For Good (NOT JUST MINE) but any blog participating on September 14th to spread the word.  Don’t forget to include “Lose For Good” in your comment.

“Like” Weight Watchers, Share Our Strength or the Action Against Hunger page on FACEBOOK and Comment or “Like” any of the Weight Watchers “Lose-A-Palooza” updates posted posting on Facebook throughout the day, Sept. 14th

Accessorize and add a Lose for Good twibbon to your profile picture. Click twibbon to do so.

Follow @WeightWatchers, @sharestrength or @acfusa and Tweet or Retweet using the hashtag #LoseforGood on Set.14th.

I am participating today! I think we should all be ashamed of ourselves if we don’t do anything to end hunger in America and all over the world. In a time where we need programs like Weight Watchers to help us lose weight because we over eat and have so much food to eat I believe NO ONE should be going hungry in 2010!



Join in the fight against hunger taking place today 9/14/2010!

You can also find more info on both Lose-A-Palooza and Lose For Good at the following links: 


Lose For Good: 

Thank you for following my blog and thanks for joining me in helping spread the word on how too end world hunger!



**Disclaimer: I was not paid or compensated in any way to provide this post. I was not contacted by Weight Watchers to provide this info. This post is my participation in the One2One Network’s and Weight Watchers Lose-A-Palooza/Lose for Good Campaign and I wanted to spread the word to fight world hunger.**
