Friday blog hop Guest Host! #BlogHop #Hop

Hey All!

I was chosen as a guest host for  the Friday blog hop, hosted by Francisca from MommyWire PR and Queens NYC Mom.  Head over to their site HERE and let’s hop around!

Here are their guidelines for the hop.

The Guidelines for participating in the Friday blog hop are as follows:

1. Grab the blog hop button to spread the word.

2. Please follow MommyWire PR and via Google Friend Connect, Google + (feel free to follow on Twitter and Facebook as well).

3. Do not link up your giveaways, blog hops, etc. (They will be deleted.)

Link up your blog, visit and follow at least 3 blogs that interest you.

Let’s start hopping and have fun!

All you have to do, add your url link to the linky for it to show up on all participating blogs.

Follow my MommyWire PR and Queens NYC Mom and The Queens Of Swag on Google Friend Connect, Facebook Like, Twitter, Google Reader. Leave a comment when you follow us, so you will be followed back.


