Hey All!
As my bridesmaids are in town for our wedding we decided to spend one of our days doing something good for some homeless animals in need. I have a special place in my heart for shelter animals as both our dogs are rescued dogs and from the shelter. We got both our dogs from LA Animal Services and they are both the most amazing dogs you will ever have. We love our Mr. Pink with a passion. He’s a part of our family and loves riding in our Toyota Sienna.
We went out and bought a slew of toys to give to the shelter and piled them into a basket.
We also got some food and Flea prevention as it’s almost Flea season. We put it all in a huge bag and set off to donate it all.
We piled my bridesmaids and the donations in our Toyota Sienna. Everyone fit in perfectly as that is how spacious our Sienna is.
We headed to the animal shelter to make the animals day a little better. Animals are so innocent and it’s sad that the majority of the animals in here were animals just thrown away by their owners.
We grabbed our donations and headed inside to surprise them with this great donation. I think we had enough toys for every dog in that shelter. Don’t we look fabulous in our best donating fashions?
We headed inside and donated. It felt great and the shelter was grateful as they don’t get donations like this every day sad to say.
The Toyota Sienna made it super easy to trek around with my bridesmaids and fit all the donations perfectly.
We love riding around in our Toyota Sienna. Stay tuned for more of our Sienna Diaries!
For more info on the Toyota Sienna visit Toyota.com.
This post is brought to you by Toyota. All Opinions are my own.