Hey All!
Happy Friday! It’s my second favorite national holiday today, after National Ice Cream Day of Course. It’s National Donut Day!!!! I’m having as many donuts as I possibly can today. I’m especially over the moon over the Care Bears and California Donuts collaboration donuts! They made amazing Care Bears donuts which launched today in their shop! They are AMAZING and they even made my favorite Grumpy Bear! He’s so grumpy! How cute are these donuts folks? I’m obsessed with them! I don’t really want to eat them because they are sooooo cute! Another thing, can you believe Care Bears are 35 years old! Good god I feel old! I used to love me some Care Bears! Heck I still do! Hence why I made Care Bears Easter Eggs this year and a Care Bears Halloween Costume! The Care Bears and California Donuts Shop both turned 35 this year, so they decided to celebrate together. You can get their awesome Care Bears Donuts in their shop here in Los Angeles until September. They also have some cute collaboration products too! Get them while you can! They are open 24 hours a day, so you can snag some cute Care Bears Donuts all day and night long! Since we’re all about the donuts and Care Bears today, here are my fab finds which are donut themed of course.
Love these Donut jammies!
Gotta get this Cute Donut Tee!
Lets have a donut spa day with a donut bath bomb!
And some donut lip gloss!
Check out my favorite donuts from Voodoo Donuts and their new donut shop!
Make A Donut Bead Necklace today!
And some Donut Checkers!
DIY Donut Flair!
And don’t forget to toss that DIY Donut Confetti to celebrate National Donut Day!
Tomorrow I’m heading to my friend Holly’s house, you know her from Club Crafted! We’re having some donuts and throwing a pool party! It’s going to be a blast!
Hope you had an amazing National Donut Day and have a happy weekend!
See you next week folks!