Hilarious Habits & Hope Springs Opens Aug. 10th! #Win 4 tickets! #HopeSprings #Giveaway


Hey All!

What are the Hilarious Habits of Your Husband (or significant other)? Mine, as you can see in the picture below, is very funny and has some very funny habits! One habit that I find funny is he’ll break into song just at random. He’ll sing what ever he has to say. In our house life is a happy song and we live in a real life musical.

I think it’s an amazing habit to have as I love to break out into song with him and we always have a great laugh. It’s nice to know that the habits my fiance’ has don’t get on my nerves or make me want to break his habits. I embrace all his habits, because in all honesty none of his habits really bother me. His habits all amuse me really and some habits I actually share with him, like breaking into song or arranging our blu-ray collection by name and kind.

Along with great laughs we do have some relationship rules that we do like to break in our relationship, like never going to bed angry. We break that rule all the time as sometimes you need to go to bed angry so when you wake up you over it and move on.


What relationship rules do you feel were made to be broken? Comment in the discussion box below for a chance to win gift cards and other fun prizes!


Sony Pictures Presents “Hope Springs”, A new comedy from the director of “The Devil Wears Prada” starring Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones, and Steve Carell. Watch the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s22_Mvikl8


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