Hot Muppets BandAid Coupon! #Hot #Coupon #Muppets #Disney

Hey All!

There is a new Band-Aid coupon available to get Muppets BandAid!  Head over here, scroll down, and click on the “Click Here” link to print a new $2/2 Any Band-Aid Adhesive Bandages coupon

So you can snag these amazing Muppets BandAids!

Also don’t forget the Muppets BluRay/Dvd The Wocka Wocka Value Combo Pack, which contains the movie on Blu-ray high-definition, DVD and Digital Copy (3 discs) plus a download card for the film’s soundtrack from Walt Disney Records is Available March 20th!

“Like” THE MUPPETS on Facebook for even more info:!/muppets


  • I never had a Muppet Band-Aid before..although I burnt my finger the other day and put on a Buzz light yr one…and we always have Sponge-Bob Band-Aids around..just never seen the Muppet ones before. I would have to say in this house Sponge-Bob would overrule the Muppets

    Stopping by from Pitch it to me.