I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for MetLife. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Hey All!
What do you have planned for this Mother’s Day? Going out to brunch, hosting everyone at your house, or just laying low? This Mother’s Day I’m actually spending it with my own Mother and family. I flew my mother in from New York and we just want to hang out at home watching our favorite shows and catching up as a family. We don’t get to see my mother often as we live in California and she lives in New York. On Mother’s day we’ll be going as a family to brunch and dinner to celebrate our big day together. I am happy to say I’m joining the MetLife #SocialBlackout Movement tomorrow which is a movement that challenges everyone to log off of social media on Mother’s Day (May 12th) and give Mom the time and attention she deserves!
There is nothing worse than having kids, my fiance’, my mother, or even me on our phones or tablets or computers when we’re out as a family or when we’re trying to spend time together. You can really communicate or enjoy the time you are spending with your family if you’re not really 100% there. I know I am guilty of this being a blogger. I’m often glued to my devices and I am actively choosing to unplug tomorrow when I’m spending the day with my family. I owe it to my family to give them my full attention and be present in every rare moment we have together as a family.
I’ve changed my Facebook page profile picture to show my support of this movement and I hope you will join me in the #SocialBlackout tomorrow!
For more information on this fabulous movement from Metlife visit the MetLife Facebook page.
Happy Mothers day !
I’m definitely going to try 🙂
Everything is off! Aside from the toaster 🙂
I actually have a deadline tomorrow, so I will be writing in the morning anyway.
I definitely plan to. I’m not sure if I can stay off instagram though. I love posting pictures on there way too much
I’m trying to get everything done tonight so tomorrow will be a blackout all the way day!
I’m gonna try to, but we’ll see how that goes.
such a fabulous campaign I loved this