Postponed! Join Me At The Mentor Appreciation #LatinoBigs Twitter Chat!


Update- The Chat has been postponed so please stay tuned for the rescheduled date! So sorry about that everyone!

Hey All!

Did you all have a special mentor in your life as a child, l know I did! Join me in The Big Brothers Big Sisters #LatinoBigs Twitter Party on Tuesday, November 20th, from 1 PM – 2 PM EST!

With the holidays upon us we’re thankful for mentors that have impacted our lives in one way or another. Did a coach, a teacher or a friend help motivate you to pursue your dreams? Mentors can have such a positive impact on a young person’s life path. Let’s share our appreciation for mentors as we talk about supporting our own Latino youth today as volunteers and donors.

Please join Big Brothers Big Sisters Latino Bigs program along with Latina Mom Bloggers as we focus on propelling our Latino youth to achieve their potential and discuss how YOU can contribute to their success.

Big Brothers Big Sisters change the lives of children. Compared to children not in our program, Littles are LESS likely to skip school, use drugs and begin drinking alcohol. Children matched in Big Brothers Big Sisters programs maintain or improve outcome areas of educational success, avoidance of risky behaviors and socio-emotional competency.  Our Littles are also more likely to graduate and be prepared for employment.

If not us, who?  If not now, when?  Volunteer Now.

And SURPRISE! We have TWO American Express gift cards to award so be sure to RSVP below!

Tweet Chat Details:

What: Big Brothers Big Sisters #LatinoBigs Twitter Chat

When: Tuesday, November 20th, from 1 PM – 2 PM EST

Where: Twitter

Hashtag: #LatinoBigs

PRIZES: (2) $125 American Express Gift Cards  

Who to Follow:

Panelists: @UrbanJibaro @QueenofSwag4u @LosTweens @MamaNoticias @Thriftyninja

Moderators: @Eva_Smith @LatinoMarketing @JollyMom @LatinaMomBlogs

Nonprofit: @LatinoBigs

Rules: For the official rules, please click HERE.

RSVP:  RSVP Here  and follow @LatinoBigs to join the conversation.

