Life Can Be Easy! Oral B & My Ten Tips To Making Life Easier!

Hey all!

So life can get crazy and be difficult sometimes. I know…I have had a long road to go down in my decades of life. It’s amazing how we all find ways to make it through what life swings at us. I find there are certain things I do that I’ve established over the years that help me function in my daily life. They help me get through my weeks with out losing my mind and Twitter Moms and Oral B would like me to share Ten of them with you. It was very hard to narrow it down to just ten, but I did my best and came up with Ten.

So here are my 10 tips I have for making life easier.  I think I have some good suggestions. Hopefully they can help you in your daily lives as well.

1. Learn not to Stress the little things. If one thing in your day goes wrong, try not to make it the end of the world. Try to take a step back and gather yourself and your thoughts and come up with an alternative. I’m sure you’ll quickly realize it’s not the end of world.

2. Take a Moment to Laugh Everyday. Laughing actually makes you healthier and a happier person. Do whatever you can to find the humor in things. Turn on Comedy Central on TV if you have to. If you look you can find a laugh somewhere in anything!

2. Stay Organized! This is something I am constantly working on in my life. I would get so stressed out by the clutter and bills and the mess in my home. So now I really do throw tons of stuff I really don’t need out. I’ve killed the hoarder in me. I keep everything organized and I file everything now. I mean everything!  If you take away clutter you will certainly take away a lot of stress.

3. Take a girls night out! Take one day a week off from your family and just take a day to have for yourself and for your friends. Find a good set of friends that you can make this weekly event with, cause I’m sure everyone can use one day off to just relax with the girls.

4. Exercise! Make sure you take at least 30 minutes of your morning for fitness or a physical activity. It will give you more energy though out the day.

5. Learn to say these two letters together NO!!!, whether its a blog request, to family, work, or whatever it might be, if it causes a lot of stress and pressure, just say no. Don’t take on more than you can handle. It just leads to unnecessary stress.


6. Pet Walker/Sitter: If you have a dog that CONSTANTLY wants to go out and stresses you out since no one else in your family wants to take the time to walk him so often, then find a local kid from your neighborhood who loves your dog or find a pet sitter who is reputable, licensed and bonded, and cheap that can come walk the dog for you every so often.

7. Keep yourself Healthy! If you aren’t keeping yourself healthy then you can’t have an easy life plain and simple. Get your yearly check ups, Brush your teeth, Oral B can certainly help in that department, and eat healthy organic foods so you can save yourself a lot of stress, pain, and money in the future since you will lessen your risk for getting disease.

8. MAKE A LIST!  I make lists for everything since my memory is terrible! I make tons of lists especially around the holidays, I make a list for what I need to do for the day, blog posts, groceries, gifts to buy, anything and everything I make a list. Lists are your friends. They keep me sane! And it gives me a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day when I see I did everything that was on my list to do.

9. ASK YOUR FAMILY FOR HELP! If you honestly need help around the house or with anything, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Make sure you give your children chores to do around the house early on in life so that they aren’t lazy and don’t act like they are allergic to doing dishes if you ask them to them.

10. And last but not least! Make sure your making the most out of life. Live every day like it’s your last my Granny always used to say. Life goes by so quickly so you really should make it a happy fun ride!  Living a miserable life is just not worth it. Trust me I know!

So those are my ten tips! I hope they help you make your daily life a little but easier. A little goes a long ways sometimes!

Thanks for allowing me to share them with you and thank you for following my blog!

**Disclaimer: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Oral-B blogging contest, making me eligible to get full-sized Oral-B Glide products and a $30 Target gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.**
