Mimobot: The force is strong with Mimoco! – Review

Hey all! So how many of you have heard of Mimobots?

They are the most adorable designer USB flash drives on the market! Mimobot is the best place to get designer flash drives! Mimobot carries many different licensed flash drives such as: Sanrio Hello Kitty, (My Favorite) Star Wars, Halo, and a variety of other characters. All of their designs are so adorable! They are well designed and the flash drives are something that you can show off to your friends. I know I do every chance I get!
I have of course the Star Wars Darth Vader 4gb Mimobot and the rare only 1,000 made Lobot in 2gb and I love them both so much! You don’t even know!
I was lucky to get the Darth Vader with the classic Anakin face! Only 1 in every 6 Darth Vader flash drive comes with the original Anakin!


This Vader USB is one of the best memory drives I have ever gotten.  It comes with the following specs:

•    Preloaded digital Mimory
•    2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB capacities
•    Hi-speed USB 2.0
•    Mac/PC compatible
•    2.5″ tall by 1″ wide
•    One-year limited warranty

The Lobot has the same specs and is amazing as well. I placed them in front of the Star Wars folders I got my teen for back to school. We truly are a Star Wars family!

I also had the privilege of going to San Diego Comic Con this year and meeting some of the nice folks at the Mimobot Booth. Alec at the booth was very nice to spend some time listening to me rave about my Darth Vader Mimobot.
That booth was a Mimobot Paradise! I absolutely loved it! Oh I loved Comic Con so much! I digress…
While at Comic Con, I was one of the first to get the Lobot Mimobot dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.


If you don’t know who Lobot is from Star Wars, Lobot was the chief administrative aide to Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian on Cloud City, over the planet Bespin. His brain was connected to the city’s central computer, allowing him to communicate directly with the city’s computer network. Now you can connect Lobot MIMOBOT’s brain to your computer via USB.  I know very geeky lady here.

Mimobot was offering a few left over Lobots on their website located here: http://www.mimoco.com Hurry and get one quickly before they are all gone!

While you’re on the Mimobot site check out the amazing little movies and downloads that they have made with the Mimobots on there website. They are really amazing movies!
Besides being amazing flash drives, my second favorite thing about Mimobots are that they come with a sound program that matches the Mimobot flash drive character you have and you download a program that comes with the Mimobot very easily onto your computer, so when you plug it into your computer or eject them it makes a sound as if the Mimobot is talking.


Like for example, when I plug in my Darth Vader, the sound of Darth Vader breathing or of the emperor saying “Rise Lord Vader” will play on my computer. Each flash drive Mimoco makes comes with a sound unique to the character. You can listen to a few examples here: MimoByte sound clips.
I miss hearing the sounds of my Mimobot. I haven’t heard them since my computer died. I digress…
They just released a Star Wars Series 6 Yoda Mimobot and I’m about to sell my kidney to get one. I’m kidding. But I would kill to have one. He looks so amazing.

These Star Wars Mimobot flash drives are great for Star Wars fans of all ages. Well all ages 13 and up. They are not toys and are not intended for small children.

They are great for back to school and are currently having a back to school sale on their website and you get 20% off ANY MIMOBOT! http://www.mimoco.com

It ends Friday September 3rd, 2010 so hurry and get your Mimobots now! I’m sure you will love your Mimobots just as much as I love mine. I have my little Star Wars Mimobot Shrine on my desk and I’m sure it will be growing soon, hopefully for Christmas with a Yoda Mimobot.


Thank you for letting me share my love of Mimobots with you and thanks again for following my blog!

**Disclaimer: I was not contacted by Mimoco to do this Review, nor was I given any products or compensation to do this review. All products were bought on my own and the opinions are my own.**
