Muppets Monday Starts Monday! #MuppetMonday


Hey All!

You all know how much I can’t wait for The Muppets to come out in theaters on November 23rd aka the day before Thanksgiving! To help me count down the days until the movie I’ve joined Sippy Cup Mom, Theme Park Mom and Crazy About My Baybah, in a countdown to the Muppets Movie with Muppets Mondays! We will be sharing all things that involve the Muppets.

If it involves the Muppets in any way it will be featured!

Make sure to check out all of my posts that mention the Muppets HERE! You’ll find everything from the NEW Muppets Trailer to amazing Printables and products promoting the film!

The Muppets are also trying to get to a BAZILLION likes on Facebook  so make sure to like them on Facebook!

So again Muppets Monday is coming, don’t forget to check out all the fun of Muppet Mondays starting this MONDAY!

If you have anything about the Muppets you’d like to share let me know!

