My favorite road trip experience!

Hey All!

I love taking road trips with my family even though for some reason we always have something dramatic happen to us every time we do. Road trips equal Drama for us. Regardless, I wish we took them more often. The last road trip we took at the end of the summer and it was one of my favorite trips. School was about to start for me and my teen, so me and my non-hubby decided to take a road tip to Las Vegas to have one weekend to ourselves. It’s nice to get away from the teenager and dog every so often. I digress…

When we first started off on the trip the car got a flat after twenty minutes on the road. It takes like five hours or more to get to Las Vegas from my home. So we were running late and we were trying to beat the traffic.  We stopped at a rest stop to change the tire. It was super hot that day I remember. We got the tire on and were back on the road. I remember my non hubby saying lets pull over, I didn’t want to because I didn’t want to lose time, but we did anyway, since he was driving I had no choice. He stopped the car next to these beautiful mountains. He wanted to stop and take a moment to take in our surroundings. The mountains were beautiful and it was very relaxing to just gaze at. We stopped at another rest stop and pick up some snacks for the road.
We enjoyed eating Milano cookies on the open road all the way to Las Vegas for our weekend vacation. It’s become like a tradition for us to eat Milanos on our road trips. It’s like a good luck charm of sorts and we won’t keep driving with out them. I know it’s weird, but it’s what we do. It was such an easy drive from that point on. We took in all the nature surrounding us as we drove to Vegas. It was such a nice relaxing trip.

So why is this my favorite road trip memory? Well, because we took a moment to stop and enjoy the simple things in life and what beautiful surrounds you may disregard since you may always be in a rush.

Another awesome thing about this roadtrip is that we’ve learned to stop and take a moment to just be and we also learned a valuable lesson which was….get the tires checked on your car before you leave for a road trip! Make sure you have enough air in your tires and your tires aren’t low! Or you may just end up by the side of the road with a flat!

I wish that all of my readers have a fun safe road trip as you set out on your holiday road trips this year. Take a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you on your trips and take and opportunity to bond and enjoy your family. 

Thank you for allowing me to share my favorite road trip memory with you and thank you for following my blog!

Happy Holidays!

**Disclaimer: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Discount Tire blogging program, making me eligible to receive a $50 gift card and be entered for a chance to win a prize valued at $1,000. For more information on how you can participate, click here.**


  •" target="_blank">Mom Me Time

    me too! I enjoy taking road trips with my family…especially the arrival! hahaha. I have a two and a six year old and swore that I would NEVER (never say never) have a TV in the car..well after a recent trip we now have a traveling TV…

    I really like your blog design and the layout. I know I'm 'liking' you on facebook, I will check to see if I'm following you on twitter. Happy Thanksgiving. Amy @
    My recent post mommetime tip on tuesday BLOW HARD!