Hey All!
If you subscribe by Email or RSS there are some changes coming into affect here at The Queen of Swag since the feedburner service may be shutting down next month. Even if it’s not taken down next month it’s like a ticking time bomb that you never know will blow and who know when the service will stop, but everyone is certain it will be stopping soon! I don’t want to be left in the aftermath scrabbling to try to get everything back on track and I don’t want you my fabulous readers to miss out on anything.
I decided all Daily Newsletter Emails will now be coming from my email service from Mad Mimi! If you subscribe by email you should have gotten an email that looks like this today as the first new emails went out.
Please check your spam. This is my new email service in case you don’t recognize it in your inbox. If you got it you’re all set and subscribed and you just need to stay opted in to receive these emails.
If you didn’t get it and you’d like to sign up to receive the daily email newsletter with any new posts and giveaways you can do it when you leave a comment by clicking this little box that you see below the comment box on any post that says Notify Me of New Posts By Email.
Or you can enter your email in the right side bar where it says Subscribe For Daily Updates. Press the SignUp button and it will pop up a box that looks like that teal box.
It will say thank you for subscribing and an email has been sent to you to confirm your subscription. The email will look like this below. You click the link and you’ll be signed up. It’s the same way feedburner email sign ups work but a little prettier I think.
If you prefer to Read it more like an RSS feed I have two options!
I highly recommend you subscribe Via BlogLovin!
I love BlogLovin as you can keep a great list of all the blogs you follow in one place and also find other new amazing blogs to follow.
Or you can subscribe via my New RSS provider FeedBlitz.
You simply visit https://feeds.feedblitz.com/thequeenofswag and hit the Subscribe now button like that seen below. Below is what the RSS will look like.
Again you can Subscribe by RSS, BlogLovin, and by email all in my right side bar along with all the links to all our Social Media profiles!
It’s all super easy to do and it allows you to stay up to date on all the latest going on with this blog. You won’t miss any new posts or NEW GIVEAWAYS!
I hope you’ll continue to follow along via Email and RSS!
These are great alternatives. Thanks for sharing.
Ugh … this reminds me that *I* need to figure out something. Boooo, Google!
Love this! Will need to check it out for my site.
I never used reader I wonder how many used it to read my blog
I guess I need to make the change too.
I forgot all about this, I guess I’ll need to update my email subscription too.
I was sad to learn about Feeburner going bye bye and made a switch to a different RSS service already myself.
Thanks for the reminder!!
Ack! Thanks for the reminder. I’m going to check out feedblitz.
I thought it was just Google reader that was shutting down and not Feedburner? I switched from Google Reader to Feedly and LOVE it so much better, but I know a lot of people are liking BlogLovin.
They only announced Google Reader, but I had some friends tell me to switch before July and I listened. I’ll check out Feedly.
These sound like good alternatives to google.
Oh I love bloglovin! That daily email with all my RSSd posts is great!
Thanks for the heads up! Looks like I need to make some changes.