Old School To New School iRecorder On This Tech Tuesday!



Hey All!

Do you miss the days of leggings, big hair, mixed tapes and boom boxes? Of course you do! Well on this Tech Tuesday I’m bringing it all back with a vengeance with the iRecorder! It’s is an old-school recorder style speaker for your iPhone!


I know I miss my  old tape recorder!! As technology improves, music boxes are getting smaller and smaller – but where is the opportunity to express yourself with your choice of ghetto blaster.


Now you don’t have to give up your iPhone to be retro cool – the iRecorder is an old-school style speaker for your phone!




It comes with real working buttons, a USB power socket and a pull out carry handle.


This retro tape recorder is actually a working speaker for your iPhone! It runs on batteries so no charging involved unless you use rechargeable batteries.

The sound is actually awesome and I love carrying it around by the handle and reliving my leg warmers and scrunchie days of jamming to my tape deck!

If you’d looking for a great portable speaker for your iPhone that has a touch of nostalgia I highly recommend the iRecorder!

I bought mine on sale at Urban Outfitters for only $9.99 which makes it all the more fabulous as it normally costs about $50.

