One Tree Hill On Dvd! & Can you Relate? #OneTreeHillOnDVD

Hey All!

Season Nine presented a load of new challenges for OTH characters. Brooke & Julian deal with being new parents, Haley tries to find Nathan who was kidnapped and Clay finds himself sleepwalking and forgetting periods of time. I know I’ve faced many challenges in my life growing up very poor in New York City in the Projects. Yes folks I grew up in the projects that’s how poor we were.

I remember standing in line for our government food and spending many nights going hungry cause we couldn’t afford food to eat. I knew when I had my own family I would never let them experience that. I can relate to being a new parent at a very young age and also dealing with a lot of the struggles that are similar to those of the characters Brooke and Julian. I knI know trying to support your family can be tough especially when you’re young and don’t have much experience. It can be a challenge for anyone, but I knew it was extremely hard for me being so young.

What kind of new challenges have you faced in your life and how did you prevail?

One Tree Hill Season 9 is out now on DVD Ultra Violet!

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote One Tree Hill Season Nine on DVD.
