Oscar Party Popcorn Cupcakes!

Hey All!

With the Oscars around the corner, I thought I would do some fun Oscar Party themed treats and DIY’s to celebrate the occasion. I know this years Oscars may be a hot mess and I wish they could have hired a hispanic host for a change, but I love awards season and I can’t wait to watch all the shows. I’ll be munching on these fun and super easy to make Oscar Party Popcorn Cupcakes! How cute are these folks? I can’t get over how much the marshmallow looks like popcorn on top of them. Yep! Those are mini marshmallows cut up. I’ll also be sharing a free printable ballot tomorrow to got with them.

If you’d like to make these for your Oscar parties, check out how to make them below.

  • 6 Prepared Cupcakes (liners can be purchased from Hobby Lobby)
  • ½ Bag of Miniature Marshmallows
  • Vanilla Frosting
  • Yellow Food Coloring
  • Paintbrush
  • Water

First you take a scissors and cut a small slit about halfway through the side of one marshmallow. You then gently twist the marshmallow at the cut.

Next, cut another slit at the top of the marshmallow. It will split open and look like a piece of popped popcorn. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the remaining marshmallows.

Add about ½ cup water to a bowl and add 8-10 drops of yellow food coloring. Make sure the color is pretty dark, so it’ll show up on the marshmallow.

With the paintbrush, paint on the yellow water (butter) on the marshmallow (popcorn). This does not have to be perfect, you don’t want to cover the whole marshmallow.

Frost each cupcake and place pieces of “popcorn” on the frosting.

That’s it! You’re done. Enjoy or serve at your Oscars Parties!

I can’t wait to get my party on this year!

Who are you hoping wins best picture this year? I’m torn!

Find more fun Oscars themed DIY’s HERE!

