Purex No Sort for Colors Is A Dream Come True!


Hey All!

I hate sorting laundry! I always wished that I could just throw all our laundry in the washing machine mixed together and just put in my detergent and walk away.  That’s always been the dream but never possible until now!  Purex now has a detergent that allows you to wash all your colors at once. It’s called Purex No Sort for Colors and it is a god send! I’m in love with this detergent as it’s made my no sort laundry dreams come true!

It contains what they call Anti-Color-Transfer Technology which traps loose dyes and reduces color bleeding. So you don’t have to worry about colors bleeding together a lot.  I would wash very dark blue jeans a few times separately before mixing them with everything as this does reduce bleeding colors, it doesn’t 100% prevent it. Just giving you all a heads up about that. There is nothing worse than when your clothes bleed and everything is ruined!

Besides that it’s been a great experience with this laundry detergent. It’s made doing the laundry a heck of a lot easier. I was so thrilled with it Purex sent some extra coupons and I gave them out to family so they can try it as well.

They are also giving A YEAR Supply of Purex No Sort for Colors Detergent in their new Sweepstakes! Enter HERE for your chance to WIN $1,000 & a year’s supply of this awesome NEW detergent!

Good luck everyone and I hope you enjoy this detergent as much as I did.


Purex provided me with a sample of this detergent. All opinions are my own.
