Seven Fun July 4th Desserts!

Looking for some fun July 4th Desserts to make this weekend? Check out seven of our favorites!

July Fourth Dessert Round Up

Hey All!

It’s Independence Day weekend and if you’re still looking for a fun and festive treats to enjoy, then look no further than these Seven Fun July 4th Desserts! These are seven of our favorite themed desserts that we’ve made here on the blog over the years. It’s a mix of old and new recipes.

Some might be some of your favorites if you’ve been following the blog for some time! Either way I hope they help you have an amazing Independence day weekend!  Stay Safe Everyone!

1. Minnie July 4th Cupcakes.

minnie july 4th cupcakes

2. Chocolate Fruity Pebbles Firecrackers (The only firecrackers I like!).

chocolate fire works

3. Fireworks Cupcakes!

fireworks cupcakes

4. July 4th Fruit & Cake Push Pops!

july 4th push pops

5. Red, White, And Blue Haystacks.

july 4th haystacks

6.  DIY Pie Cookies!

july 4th pie cookies

7. July Fourth Glazed Doughnut Stars!

Enjoy and have a happy Independence Day Bubbly Squad!

You can find more July 4th fun HERE!

