Sorry Belated- Free Swag Friday! Yay free swag day is here!

Hey All!

Sorry for the Belated Free Swag Friday! With New Years and unpacking after finally getting back home after being stranded for a week in NYC and trying to get the apartment back to normal, it was a super busy weekend and I had no time to do anything since I also had to work. Sorrrrry again that this is late, but better late than never! So here goes…

FREE Home Made Simple coupon booklet.

Over $35 in savings! It comes full of Proctor & Gamble brand coupons, like Cascade, Dawn and Swiffer.  The coupons are higher in value than those you’ll see in the Sunday paper. GET THIS ASAP!

FREE IPHONE CASE FROM SEPHORA! Download the “Sephora to Go” iPhone app from itunes, visit any Sephora store and show your app to any store associate and you can get a free case for your iPhone!  The case is available for the iphone 4, 3G and S.

FREE cup of Yoplait Yogurt. while supplies last.

FREE sample of Focus Factor. Those with a Sam’s Club membership number

FREE ZingVia Sweetener Sample.

FREE “Learn About Hearing Loss” DVD.

FREE water test kit to find out what issues may be present in your home’s water supply.

FREE Hampton Sun Skin Care Product Sample by emailing

FREE sample of Natural Persimmon Tea.

FREE sample of Natural Nibbles Dog Treats.

That’s all I have for today. Enjoy!

I hope everyone had a Happy and Safe New Years Day and I look forward to bringing you lots of great things in the New Year.

STAY TUNED and thanks as always for following.
