Hey All!
I’m heading into a new lifestage as I’m now married and thinking of having a new baby! I know it’s a big thing to consider, but we really want one. I know I have to be in my best health to have a baby and right now that is not the case. I’m about 30 pounds over weight I’m sad to say and I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t lost the amount of weight I’ve wanted to lose. Thankfully I have an amazing husband to rely on and encourage me to start to live an active lifestyle!
I’ve decided to sign up for not one but two 10k marathons and I need to start training. I’m taking to jogging at night or in the early morning. My husband has been helping me along the way and acting as my fitness coach! I’m not going to say it’s been easy. There have been plenty of trials and tribulations along this road to living a healthier lifestyle. It’s been extremely hard to not eat those tasty treats I love eating like cakes, donuts, s’mores, cheese, and tons of bread. I can binge on all those things if you let me! Luckily my husband is doing the grocery shopping now to prevent that from happening.
Instead of eating when I know I’m just eating just to snack, I instead head out and go for a run. While on the run I do some exercises as well like lunges and…
I also do some squat thrusts. They are good for tightening your muscles.
I was actually doing really well last year when I rant a 10k for the first time ever. But sadly I fell off the wagon and have to start over again.
What I learned during this time of starting over is it’s ok to fail the first time around and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I can get back on track to a more active lifestyle and I know it’s going to be a bumpy road. Regardless of how many bumps their are in the road it’s great to know I have someone by my side who’s keeping me on the road.
I’ve already seen the payoff, because I’m starting to lose weight and feel better as well. I feel like I’m starting to accomplish a goal that I’ve had for some time with the support and help I’m getting from my Husband and it feels good!
Do you have anyone helping your reach your goals?
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Woah, you rock! I am not sure I’m ambitious enough yet for marathons, but I am trying to get out there and be more active…I want to finally lose that last 5 lbs!
Having the support of your partner is great. I’m sure you’ll reach your goals.
I wish I had the gumption to do a marathon!
A good support system is definitely important when trying to accomplish any goal, including weight loss. You seem very motivated and I love squats for boosting a booty!
I know I do much better with my goals when I make myself accountable. I have to write everything down & track my progress. Otherwise, I postpone working on it.