The Premios Juventud Music Awards Were Great! #Positivismo #PremiosJuventud

This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor Board and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.


Hey All!

Tonight were the Premios Juventud Music Awards 2013 on Univision and it was an amazing show. All the performances were fantastic and I was happy with who won during the show. There were so many amazing nominees this year. I will say my heart and thoughts are with those who didn’t unfortunately win tonight. I’m trying to stay positive for them like my online fictional friend the El Maestro Del Vaso Medio Lleno. It’s always good to stay positive no matter what the outcome was.

Even though not all the artists can win, if they see life as a glass half full, they will have a more positive life. Negativity is one of those moods that tends to be present in today’s society. There can be many causes for it, but perhaps one of the most common is the inability to sleep well, which can result in a bad mood upon waking up. That’s why it is recommended to drink milk before going to bed. Its proteins can help you fall asleep, which may lead to you waking up in a better mood and filled with more positivity. See life with the glass half full.

This a great message for all the nominees as being positive no matter what will only allow them to enjoy and appreciate that they were even nominated. It’s a great accomplishment to just be nominated and the nominees should all be proud at what they’ve accomplished.


For all the artists nominated who did not win tonight in the Premios Juventud Awards, we invite you to see life with the glass half full. Drinking a glass of milk may help you have a better night’s sleep.

Great dreams may have start with a great night’s sleep and a delicious glass of milk just before going to bed; as it may help you have a better night’s sleep.

For even more Positivity visit El Maestro Del Vaso Medio Lleno’s Facebook page.

For more information on the benefits of Milk visit

