Happy Friday From My Hometown NYC!

Hey All!

Happy Friday! Yay! it’s the weekend! I’m coming to you from my home town NYC and I’m having a blasty blast here with CVS! If you’ve been watching my Instagram Stories, you’ve been following along with all the fun. The new Korean beauty products coming are so amazing. I’m going to spend some time catching up with family and friends and I got to do a little color wall hunting for some fun mommy and me pics I’m going to use for some fun Mother’s Day projects. How awesome is that color wall folks? Love it! Can’t wait to share the pics! I do miss New York sometimes, but I can’t wait to get back home. Hope you all have some fun weekend plans.  And here are my favorite finds of the week.

You all need to make a Giant Unicorn Cookie too!

While you’re at it make a Giant Ice Cream Sandwich!

How amazing are these rainbow bath truffles? Unicorn bath time!

I need to add this ice cream shirt to my ice cream themed collection of clothing.

My new favorite Yellow Pants!

So clouds are going to be hot for the summer apparently. Loving this cloud print swimsuit!

And this rainbow Swimsuit is da bomb! Now I just have to get my swimsuit body ready!

This dress just gets me so well! Gotta HAVE IT!

And that’s all folks!

Have a great weekend everyone!

