Having A Fabulous Par-DIY!



Hey All!

I recently hosted a craft party for Brit.co and Timex that came out so adorable that I just had to share. It was a fabulous Par-DIY as we were crafting with Brit-kits filled with Timex watches!


We were essentially designed the look of our watches by sewing on the bands of the watches. There were lots of tasty treats and beautiful flowers to enjoy.


Who wouldn’t love chocolate dipped Twinkies?


The watches were so fun to design.


We all had a blast making our custom fashionable accessories.


Aren’t they fabulous watches?


Hooray for fabulous watches!


They were so colorful and adorable, we of course had to snap some pics with the flamingo and pineapple.


I love hosting and designing and getting crafty with my girls. Thanks to Brit.co for the fabulous Brit Kits and the opportunity to host this amazing party!

Here is a preview of the fabulous Pineapple fiesta Birthday Party I just threw for my friend Michelle for her birthday this past weekend!


I think it’s my cutest party to date! I’m in love with that Pineapple confetti, Pineapple cake, my West Elm gold rimmed glassware , those Pineapple Macarons and mini piƱata!

pineapple-fiesta-west elm

DIY tutorials and all the Party details coming soon! You’ll learn how to make your own fabulous Pineapple goodies!

I hope you enjoyed this look at my fabulous fiestas!
