A Happier & More Energetic Mister Pink!

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Mister Pink Happy

Hey All!

My fur baby Mister Pink is getting older, so we’re making sure to keep him as healthy as possible. We want him to age gracefully and have the most energy he can have as he ages. Even though we take great care of him, we noticed he was becoming less active and less like the playful happy dog we all love. He wanted to just lay more, go for shorter walks, and just lay around the house. We took him to the vet, just to make sure he was ok. She said he was fine and just a little over his normal weight, which might be causing the lack of energy. He’s also getting older. We don’t know exactly how old he is since he’s a rescue dog. He could very well be older than we think he is. Regardless we needed to make a change, so we decided to transition my dog to an IAMSā„¢ dog food diet!

Mr Pink No energy

We had to transition him from his current foot to IAMSā„¢ for a 7 day transition, as that is recommended. You start by mixing 75% of the old diet with 25% of the new IAMSā„¢ diet. On days 3 and 4, start mixing 50/50, old diet and new. By day 5 and 6, mix 75% of the new IAMSā„¢ with 25% of the old diet. By day 7, your dog will be ready for the new IAMSā„¢ diet exclusively. Every dog is different so be sure to pay to attention to your dogā€™s progress and adjust the transition if needed!

Mister Pink Happy 2

We did the transition and he is now solely eating IAMSā„¢ dog food. We can see a Visible Difference in him. It’s not just personality difference, it’s a physical difference. His coat is shinier and healthier looking! A dogs coat is often the first thing youā€™ll notice about dogs; however keeping their skin and coat healthy isnā€™t just about vanity. Both skin and coat are essential in preventing important things from leaving (like water and heat) or entering (like viruses and bacteria) their body.Ā IAMSā„¢ foods include Omega 6 & 3 fatty acids which gives a dogā€™s skin and coat the nutrients it needs to do its job!

Iams in bowl

He’s also back to his higher energy level since transitioning to an IAMSā„¢ diet.Ā He’s down right sprightly now-a-days! He used to want to go on like 15 minute walks max. Now he wants to keep walking, so we go on 30 minute walks. When dogs get the right balance of carbohydrates, they have more energy so they can enjoy life to the fullest! With Iams dog food, Mister Pink is getting a customized carbohydrate blend ā€“ from ingredients like sorghum, barley and cornā€“ that will contribute to sustained energy.

Mister Pink Happy Walk 2

He’s back down to his normal weight and he’s more alert and energetic. That’s his “squirrel” face!

Mister Pink Happy Walk 1

I decided to challenge him to go on my morning jogs with me and at first he was a little winded, but now it’s his new favorite thing do. He challenges himself to keep up and he does! He now comes with me on all myĀ quick jogs in the morning. He would normally not get up until past 9am. Now, he’s up by 7am and ready to jog away! He took my challenge like a boss!


He’s happy to dress up again and he’s back to his normal happy posing, supermodel self. This is his Superman Clark Kent pose. He’s so handsome! He looks so adorable in his tie! He’s a happier & more energetic Mister Pink!

Mister Pink Happy Superman

We’re so happy we switched to IAMSā„¢Ā products and we’re thrilled to have our energy filled Mister Pink back!

If you’re thinking of changing your dogs diet, you should definitely consider IAMSā„¢ and make the transition. Please remember every dog is different, so you may not have the same results as we did. As with everything you try it at your own risk.

Thanks to IAMSā„¢ for partnering with me to share our transition story and experience!

IAMSā„¢ is so confident that youā€™ll see a visible difference in your dog when you chooseĀ IAMSā„¢ dog food, that they offer a money back guarantee. For more information on IAMSā„¢Ā products for dogs of all sizes and ages and to learn about the Visible Difference Guarantee, visit Iams.com/VisibleDifference.


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
