
Hey All!
I used to spend a lot of time in the kitchen with my Grandmother. We would come up with quick and easy recipes with any ingredients we had available. We weren’t the richest of people, so we often could only do groceries so many times a month. We had to ration and make meals with what ever we had left until we could go grocery shopping again. We made up a slew of recipes and some of them were genius. I still use some of these recipes for our dinners today and I’m so happy to be partnering with Got Milk? to share an amazing pairing of two of those recipes! They both include good old fashioned milk as part or the main ingredient. That’s one thing my Grandma always made sure we had in the fridge at all times growing up. It’s amazing just how many recipes you can make up with milk.
The first recipe I’ll share with you, I call our Cheesy Savory Scalloped Potato Casserole. Try saying that 3 times! It’s the mix of both cheesy goodness and savory flavors.
To make this easy casserole, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- 1 brick Cream Cheese Spread (8 oz.)
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 tsp. garlic powder
- 1 Pinch of Salt and Pepper
- Half of an onion diced
- 1 can of chicken broth
- 1 package (8 oz.) mixed shredded cheddar cheese or any shredded cheese you have. (I pretty much works with all cheese and you can also use a brick of cheese and shred it.)
- 1 Tbsp. of Parmesan cheese
- 1 Tbsp. fresh parsley diced
- 8 red potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
Heat your oven to 350ºF. It will be warm and ready for your casserole once your done mixing up the ingredients. In a mixing bowl, you’ll combine your brick of cream cheese spread, your milk, garlic powder, and salt and pepper. You can use a hand mixer to mix up these ingredients or you can mix them by hand. The good old fashioned way of mixing.
Once everything is mixed up, you’ll then pour your onions into a large sauce pan and cook them up slightly. You then pour your mixture that’s in your mixing bowl into the large sauce pan. You’ll then add half of the shredded cheese, Parmesan cheese, parsley, and the can of chicken broth. You stir it up in the sauce pan until it’s well blended. You lastly add your slices of potatoes to the mixture in the sauce pan. Make sure to coat all the potatoes with the mixture.
You then carefully pour the potatoes and mixture into your casserole dish. You bake your casserole for 45-50 minutes. You then take it out and add the other half of your cheese. You bake it for another 10-15 minutes until a fork goes easily into your potatoes.
Once it’s done you let it sit for a few minutes and serve.
I’m obsessed with this pink casserole dish, just FYI. I look for any excuse to use it.
How yummy does this look?! It tastes as good as it looks folks! AMAZING!
Being Puerto Rican, I’d love to drink a non-alcoholic version of a milky drink (aka churro in a glass) called coquito with any meal if I could. We rarely had the ingredients to make coquito, so I had to come up with my own version of it with milk. We called it Milquito. Now that I’m older, I like to add a little liquor to the drink. Yes milk and liquor do go perfectly together in mixed drinks!
To Make Milquito, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- 2 Cups of Milk
- 1/2 tsp. Dulce de Leche
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 3 tsp. cinnamon and sugar
- Cinnamon sticks for garnish and flavor
- ½ cup white rum (optional for adults only)
Fill two glasses with milk (or fill however many glasses you’re serving). The add add half of your Dulce de Leche, optional white rum and vanilla extract to each cup and mix it all well together.
You then add your teaspoons of cinnamon and sugar and your sticks for garnish and added flavor. You can sip it from the glass or through a cute straw.
This milky drink goes perfectly with my Cheesy Savory Scalloped Potato Casserole. You can pair this drink with any savory dish frankly. Combining these two recipes is the perfect mix of savory and sweet!
I hope you enjoy these easy nostalgic family recipes as much as I do!
It’s always great to make this recipe, as it reminds me of the fun times I had with my grandmother in the kitchen.
This post is brought to you by Got Milk?! #FoodLovesMilk.