My Own Pet Balloons! Great Gift Idea For Kids! #HolidayGiftGuide2011 #Gifts



Hey All!

If you have kids that are begging for Santa to bring them a pet this Holiday Season you may just be in luck thanks to MyOwn Pet Balloon you won’t have to take on the responsibility of a real pet! They have created a balloon that walks!

The kids can have any animal pet they want! Penguin, elephant, you name it they have a pet balloon for it!  You can let your kids imaginations run wide or take them on their own back yard safari with MyOwn Pet Balloons! You can walk it, play with it, and your kids can enjoy taking care of it like a real pet!

I got the Purple Elephant Pet Balloon since my teen loves Elephants! We have two dogs so we’ve already got our hands full, but it’s nice to welcome a new pet Elephant named Babar to the family who won’t destroy the rug so to speak! lol. He brings us lots of joy and laughter! This is Babar below saying hi!

His little feet are weighed down so the balloon walks and it comes with a leash to pull him with.  You just need to get him filled with air at your local party city or grocery store. My Party City was kind enough to do it for me for free, so it doesn’t hurt to ask.

This would make a great gift for any child this Holiday Season! It’s a lot of fun and it will definitely let your kids imaginations run wild!

***Disclosure: I was not compensated or paid in any way for this post. I received a review pet balloon feature in this post and I am sharing this for the benefit of my readers. All opinions are my own.**


