Seeking Holiday Gift Guide Sponsors!

Hey All!

I love the Holidays and can you believe they are almost here already!
The Queen of Swag! is currently accepting products for my 2011 Holiday Gift Guide!

If you would like your product or service featured in my gift guide please use my CONTACT FROM BELOW to give me more details!

I will be holding my Holiday Gift Guide from November 19th through December 6th! Dates can be subject to change.These guides include all kinds of events, products, foods or gift baskets, crafts, services, and entertainment for all ages.

I include items for men, women, and children as well as holiday specific items such as decorations, books, themed movies, music, crafts, games, etc. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are unsure if the item is a good fit for my Gift Guides. I will be sure to let you know if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t hurt to ask. 

There is NO FEE involved for participating in my Gift Guide. If your company, business or service would like to participate please let me know if it would be possible to do a review feature with a giveaway. Doing both would be ideal for me, since I know that my readers would love the opportunity to try your amazing products as well as win a fabulous prize.

If you do not want to include a giveaway and solely would like to be featured and reviewed I am open to that as well. All I ask is you at the very least offer my readers a special promotion or coupon for your feature.

To participate in my Holiday Gift Guide all you need to do is PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW WITH ALL THE REQUESTED INFORMATION AND HOW YOU’D LIKE TO BE FEATURED. I will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

If you wish to by pass the form and email me directly please feel free to do so at Please provide as much information as you can regarding how you’d like to participate.

AGAIN if you’re Company, business, service, or product there is No Fee involved for participating in my Gift Guide. And it is essentially free advertising and publicity for you!

EVERYONE, from big companies to small home businesses, (EVERYONE WHO HAS A BUSINESS ON ETSY.COM PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PARTICIPATE!)I love and have featured many stores from in my gift guides.

How will this help your product and business? My gift guides are a high traffic event and the buzz is already building online about them. Your company will gain exposure!

You will get all of the following!

  • Company or Product Feature Post (of 200-300+ words, 2 keyword links of your choice, pictures, links to your site and Social Media sites).
  • Sidebar Button Ad: starting September through the entire month of October for the Halloween Gift Guide and for the Holidays starting in November through to December 31st. If you participate in both you will get 4 months of free Ad space! You can provide me with the picture for the button/logo or I can make you a button myself.
  • Facebook Post with link to your gift guide feature.
  • Weekly Tweet to my Twitter followers about your company and a link to your feature.

I set up the calendar for my SPONSORS and give each feature a specific date and spot in the Gift Guides to whomever would like to participate. I work on a first come, first serve basis.

So SPONSORS your info now! Spots fill up FAST!

Thanks so much for your interest and I look forward to working with you!

