Awards Night Statue Rice Krispy Treats!


Hey All!

Are you having an Academy Awards Night viewing party and are looking for the perfect tasty treats to serve your guests? Well look no further than these easy to make Awards Night Rice Krispy Treat Statues.

All You need to make these are:

First you cut out your statues from your rice krispy treat sheet. If you make it yourself my the sheet no more than an inch and a half thick so you can easily cut our your statue shapes.


You may have to push your cookie cutter down hard to get it all the way through your rice krispy sheet in order to get the shape. Once you have all your statues you then begin to ice them.


You ice the top and body portion of the statue with yellow and the bottom platform shape with the black. You then let the icing get a little harder for about 10-15 minutes.

You then take your paint brush and spread some gold glitter shimmer on the yellow part of the statue so it shimmers.


You do this for all the statues until your desired amount is done and they look like golden shimmering Oscar Statues.


They are super cute and festive for any Awards Night party. They also taste amazing too! Who doesn’t love a good rice krispy treat? I know I do. We’ll be chowing down on these and playing some Awards Night Bingo as we watch the Academy Awards this weekend.


I hope you enjoy these fun rice krispy treats as much as we do!


Are you counting down to the Oscars? I know we are!

Check out all my Oscars Party Ideas and DIY’S Here.

