Hey All!
You don’t need to be a mom to help a mom. You just need to be one in a million.
I’m so happy to be part of the Million Moms Challenge: It’s a call-to-action. It’s a campaign for hope. A movement for change.
By engaging a million Americans with millions of mothers in the developing world around issues that directly impact pregnancy, childbirth and children’s health, the Million Moms Challenge will raise awareness and funds to help women and children everywhere survive and thrive.
The Million Moms Challenge brings together a coalition of more than a dozen world-class partners working around the globe to improve the lives of women and children. The Million Moms Challenge will focus on crucial issues that are a priority for all mothers, including access to proper nutrition to support healthy pregnancies, trained midwives to assist in safe deliveries, and vaccines that enable children to survive to their first birthdays and beyond. The Million Moms Challenge is sponsored in part by ABC News, the UN Foundation, BabyCenter and Johnson & Johnson, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
There are many ways you can contribute to this unique campaign from attending events, tweeting, posting, taking pictures, and much more. Check out this list to find out how you can be one in a million:
- Visit the official url: www.MillionMomsChallenge.com!
- Hop over to Facebook and ‘like’ MMC on the new Million Moms Challenge Facebook page!
- In October, BabyCenter will host the BabyCenter’s ABC Million Moms Challenge Global Baby Shower, an online party that will be held on Twitter and The BabyCenter Community. This party, which will incorporate prizes from Mill ion Moms Challenge partners and other cause-related organizations, is a fun way for moms to get together and raise awareness about maternal health issues. BlogFrog and One.org will also co-host the party. Keep your eye out for the official dat e (coming soon)!
- Tweet about your interest and involvement (official handle and hashtag coming soon). Here is a sample tweet: “I am excited and proud to be part of @ABC News Million Moms Challenge with @theblogfrog Come join! http://bit.ly/qPAbXS” or “Join me in supporting @ABC News Million Moms Challenge with @theblogfrog http://bit.ly/qPAbXS“
What a wonderful opportunity. Thank you for sharing.
I also want to thank you for stopping by and participating in the Get Wired Blog Hop. I am following you.
Have a great weekend!