The Heritage of Tomorrow and Hello Navi!


Hey All!

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month Verizon Somos FiOS recently launched a campaign called Heritage of Tomorrow: #CreaFuturo. Crea Futuro means molding the heritage of tomorrow starting today. Crea Futuro is an attitude with the power to transform lives.  This campaign will be a series of videos and images regarding individual stories of innovation and inspiration within the Hispanic community. Check out the awesome videos HERE. For the month of September, they will be focusing on the first story, Hello Navi. Check out the video below for the story of Hello Navi.

Hello Navi is an Android app designed by six Hispanic schoolgirls, as part of the Verizon Innovative App Challenge, that enables the visually impaired to navigate independently. Hello Navi came to life after a group of students from Resaca Middle School in Los Fresnos, Texas were inspired by Andrés Salas, a visually impaired schoolmate. Their idea was one of the eight winners for Verizon Foundation’s Innovative App Challenge, and their school was awarded with $20,000.


The application consists of a voice-over that asks users their location and final destination. Then, Hello Navi speaks back and guides users with directions—the steps—to get to their destination. The pre-recorded locations and/or digital blueprints must be available prior to using.

This application is:

  • GPS location based; uses compass and GPS from phone to determine location
  • Voice-over based; needs voice commands to access directions and direct users to route
  • Google Indoor Maps for digital blueprints of buildings (if available)

Hello Navi works like this:

  • “Where are you?” – asks user to say current location
  • “Where do you want to go?” – asks user to say destination
  • “Navigating to _______” – gives step-by-step directions to desired destination
  • This application uses digital blueprints if available, but it is intended to be used to record and save destinations and routes that can be used later.



On May 27 of this year, the students were invited to the White House Science Fair in Washington, D.C., where President Obama congratulated them on their enormous success. The Google team found out about the students and the application and came to visit Resaca Middle School to create a mini documentary. Google informed them that they would present the app as one of four “up-and-coming” apps for Google Play devices. Afterwards, the group of students were guests at the Google Keynote Conference in San Francisco on June 25, which attracts developers from all around the world.

Technology empowers us to build a better tomorrow. Verizon’s #CreaFuturo initiative seeks to recognize and celebrate those individuals impacting the future today. Through the Verizon Innovative App Challenge, Verizon is seeking to increase student interest and knowledge in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), as well as mobile technology. The Verizon Innovative App Challenge is an exciting, creative and collaborative competition that offers $20,000 grants for winning middle schools and high schools and Samsung Galaxy Tabs for students on the winning teams. The Challenge shows students exciting new possibilities for their futures, opening doors they may never have known were there.

The Verizon Innovative App Challenge offers a unique opportunity for students around the country to participate in a rich, project-based learning experience that fosters teamwork and encourages them to explore new ideas and consider future careers in STEM.

It’s amazing to see what these fantastic kids came up with. It’s so important to have companies and programs like this that encourage kids to think outside the box and challenge themselves to create something great. It’s fantastic to see these videos and all the kids have accomplished thanks to this program.  Our youth has to be supported more than ever these days to ensure they do well in school and have the drive they need to succeed in life. Programs like this surely help with that endeavor.

With Verizon’s technology, we all have the power to help create a better tomorrow. Be a source of inspiration, learn the stories of others, and share your ideas at Verizon Somos FiOS with hashtag #CreaFuturo.

Such an amazing campaign to encourage the youth of tomorrow.



This is part of sponsored campaign as part of an Ambassador program for Verizon Somos FiOS.


  • It’s so amazing what young people can come up with. I certainly wasn’t building robots or making apps when I was a teenager. I can’t wait to see what else comes out with the increase in STEM instruction.