Hey All! How many of you love to buy and wear funny, vintage, or 80’s t-shirts? Well I know me and my family do. Sometimes it can be a little pricey to buy some of these tees, espcially if your buying them for a family like I am. I have to get myself, the teen, the non-hubby, ugh so much money to spend. So I search online for the tees I’d like to buy. I’ve been searching these days even more because the Holidays are coming and I usually buy my family some tees for Christmas. On my search for the perfect 80’s and Zombie tees I discovered Crazydogtshirt.com.
Rejoice my lovely readers as I have found the best store to buy your tees! Crazy dog has the best prices and the best selection and variety of tees I’ve seen on the web! The have tees for everyone in your family, even your furry friends can get a doggy tee on the site. If you’re having a family Reunion and want to get custom tees made or are holding an event you can design and order your tees to be made on their site since they also make tees on the site. I think that is super awesome! I wish I would have known about this site a few years ago as we held a family reunion for my family and had tees made that said THE DIAZ CLAN on them and they came out OK, but I’m sure they probably would have been made better and I would have gotten a better price with Crazydogtshirts.com.
I also grew up in the 80’s and I still love that decade, so half my t-shirts consist of having some sort of 80’s reference on them. So you could imagine my joy when I discovered the great selection of 80’s and Vintage tees they have on this site.
They have Back to the Future tee’s!
They have The Karate Kid tees! And I’m talking the Original Daniel Son Karate Kid. Not that crappy remake that just came out. I hate it when they destroy my beloved 80’s movies! I digress…
They have E.T. Tees. E.T. is one of my favorite movies of all time!
And last but not least MY FAVORITE TEES THAT I FOUND ON THE SITE! They have GIZMO and GOONIES t-shirts! OMG. LOVE IT.
I actually got the Gizmo tee for myself! I have been looking for a cute Gizmo tee for awhile and I’m happy to say my search is finally over! I couldn’t resist the Gizzy!
They also have a variety of TV and Movie shirts from every decade including shows and movies from today. Like my favorites True Blood and The Hangover! I wish I wold have gotten that hangover baby tee for my Non-Hubby before we went to Vegas last month. That would have been hysterical to see him wear.
My Teen is obsessed with all things Zombie. Everything is about being ready for the Zombie Apocalypse. I don’t know why Zoombies and these Zombie Apocalypse books and games are so popular these days, but I was happy to see they had an array of Zombie t-shirts for the Zombie obsessed like my teen is. I got him and in case of a zombie apocalypse tee that says “choose your weapon” and has pics of a chainsaw, etc. The stuff you use to kill zombies apparently.
They also have great deals like a $6.99 daily tee sale where they pick t-shirts from the site each week and feature them for the week for only $6.99. If you order the tees from the $6.99 deal in sizes XXL and 3XL it only costs an additional $1! The $6.99 deal changes a few times a week, so be sure to check back often to see what tee is $6.99 now or sign up for their emailer for updates on current deals!
They also have a mystery tee you can order if you’re feeling adventurous with your t-shirt shopping or $9.99 sale going on right now.
I can’t talk about all the great tees they have on the site! There is just too much to go through and not enough time in the day to talk about the tees. You will have to check it out for yourself to see. I love the variety of t-shirts Crazydogtshirts.com has to offer. Hurry over to their website and see what great tees you can find for yourself and your family. I promise you that you will find something you love!
The kind folks at Crazydogtshirts.com would like to giveaway to ONE of my fabulous readers EITHER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Either your choice of the Free Mystery Tee in a Mens size or a Free $15 Gift Card that you will receive via email to select the tee of your choice!
Again if you win you get to choose which kind of prize you want! YAY GIVEAWAYS!
Now Crazydogtshirts.com holds their own giveways all the time so you cannot have won a shirt from them or have been sent a shirt for promotional purposes from them in the last 90 days. If you have you are not eligible to win or enter this giveaway.
Mandatory Entry!
Got to the Crazydogtshirts.com website by clicking here. And browse through all the great t-shirts they have. Come back and LEAVE A COMMENT telling me which t-shirt you love to have from their site.
That’s all you have to do to enter…but if you’d like additional entries:
But if you’d like some Additional Entries after the main entry is completed, do the following and PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT FOR EACH ADDITIONAL ENTRY YOU DO:
-Become a fan of Crazydogtshirts.com on Facebook
-Post a comment on the Crazydogtshirts.com Facebook page telling them what your favorite tee is from their site or ask them a question about one of their t-shirts.
-Post a comment on, or “Mark as Favorite” one of Crazydogtshirts.com Flickr photos.
-“Like” or “Share” one of the products on the Crazydogtshirts.com website. The buttons to do this are on all product detail pages, above the main image.
–Follow me on Twitter @queenofswag4u http://twitter.com/queenofswag4u (Or by clicking the Twitter Follow me buttons in the Right sidebar)
-Become a fan and “LIKE” The Queen of Swag on Facebook at www.facebook.com/thequeenofswag or at the (Right sidebar)
-Subscribe to my feed by EMAIL for ( Right sidebar where it says subscribe by Email)
PLEASE READ THE GIVEAWAY RULES AS THERE IS 4 TWEET PER DAY MAX! I don’t want anyone’s account frozen or suspended by twitter for spamming or over tweeting. It’s twitter rules folks. So 4 tweets per day max!
-Enter ANY of my other Giveaways and leave a comment for which giveaway you entered.
-Contribute a recipe or craft Idea or event or movie or tv show recommendation to my Swaggerific Halloween Guide and leave a comment telling me what you contributed.
-Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your blog post.
-ADD any of my buttons or holiday guide buttons to your blog and leave me a comment with the link telling me where they are.
I’m sure you will love your t-shirt from Crazydogtshirts.com just as much as I do!
** Disclosure: I was given a t-shirt samples from Crazydogtshirts.com in order to write this review and run this giveaway. I was not compensated or paid in any other form to share this information or to have this giveaway. Winner will be chosen at Random and Prize will be fulfilled and shipped to the winner by Crazydogtshirts.com.**
i love the zombie teeshirt! i love horror movies so id love it!
im a fan of crazydogshirts on facebook! paula kap riester
i follow you on twitter @paulakap8
http://twitter.com/paulakap8/status/25544215814 i tweeted!
Sure like what I see. Great ideas and out of the box thinking. T-shirts are like songs. Just when you think t-shirts have peaked a great crazy over the top, fun t-shirt comes out. Keep them coming and remember Tee shirt growers, when a link out sites we bring more buyers to our sites and shoot us up the search engine mountain!
I'm loving the Zombie shirts, oh yes!!!!
I fan them on FB! 🙂
I'd like the Gizmo shirt.
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I fanned Crazydog shirts on Facebook (Lauren Peterson)
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I wrote on Crazydog Shirts' Wall. (Lauren Peterson)
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I follow you on Twitter @dopeymouse05.
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I like you on Facebook (Lauren Peterson)
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I get your emails.
pepethewepe at gmail.com
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I entered the Brugo giveaway.
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I entered the CSN gift certificate giveaway.
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I entered the ipod shuffle giveaway.
pepethewepe at gmail.com
HI I fan on facebook at julie sharwtz
I follow on twitter @waterbluffy
I tweeted and tell friends to join and subscribe to emails
pepethewepe at gmail.com
LOVE the WWJ(ason)D tshirt, and the Camp Crystal Lake T!
I follow you on twitter — @lastwordy
I “liked” the Camp Crystal lake T